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Unbroken: Experiencing Divine Relationship Through Enduring Prayer in Everyday Life Chris Altrock – May 21, 2017

Attention Spans

A couple of years ago the software giant Microsoft conducted a study of 2,000 people. They discovered that the average human attention span has declined.[1] In 2000 the average attention span was 12 seconds. In 2015 it had dropped to worse than a goldfish:


Attention span of a goldfish

9 seconds

Attention span of humans

8 seconds


The report theorized that this short attention span largely has to do with the impact of a digitized lifestyle. That is, because we use so much digital media these days, we’re used to doing a lot of things quickly, but paying attention to none of it for very long.Unbroken: Experiencing Divine Relationship Through Enduring Prayer in Everyday Life Chris Altrock – May 21, 2017

Why God Drives in Reverse

This entry is part [part not set] of 6 in the series Esther

Think of the book of Esther as two narratives racing in opposite directions. One narrative consists of steps and stories leading toward one inevitable conclusion–the death and annihilation of the Jews. Each stride takes us… Why God Drives in Reverse