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Is your busyness a sign of gluttony?

A lot of us are busy.  We usually think the cause is our circumstances–too many demands on our time.  This author suggests the problem may be us–too many appetites that lead us to say “yes.”

The Offering: How Relationships Transform When You Offer Passion (Rom. 12:1-2, 9-10a)

The cartoon “Non – Sequitur” once ran a series of cartoons illustrating why husbands and wives struggle to communicate.  Here’s the first one: A husband is walking past his wife who lies in bed sick.  An explanatory balloon above them has these words: What she heard….  The husband says, “You don’t expect me to take care of the kids, clean the house and make dinner do you?”  That’s what she heard.  But in the next frame, the balloon has these words: What he said…  And the man says, “Feeling any better honey?”

The Offering: How Relationships Transform When You Offer Passion (Rom. 12:1-2, 9-10a)