Into Your Hands
While growing up in New Mexico, my brother and I skied regularly with my dad. Each winter we’d drive a couple of hours to Sierra Blanca and ride the gondola nearly to the top of… Into Your Hands
While growing up in New Mexico, my brother and I skied regularly with my dad. Each winter we’d drive a couple of hours to Sierra Blanca and ride the gondola nearly to the top of… Into Your Hands
I distinctly remember that last time I spoke to my mother with words and with a tone that was not acceptable. I was about ten years old. She had asked me to do something I… Being Real
In The Critical Journey Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich write about the inevitability of suffering in our journey of life (13): We cannot escape most of the crisis in our lives, nor should we. In… Fertilizer
M. Shawn Copeland, in Knowing Christ Crucified, explores spirituals, especially their perspective on the future. She writes this (159-160): Marked as commodities, objects for purchase, the enslaved people sang themselves a new identity: “Born of… This is Temporary