What makes you happy? Two years ago MTV and the Associated Press surveyed young people.[1] They asked 13-24 year olds, “What makes you happy?” At least two sets of answers were surprising. The first surprise has to do with what 13-24 year olds said makes them most happy. What makes 13-24 year olds the most happy? They said it was this: spending time with family. Over 70% said spending time with family is what makes them happiest. A second surprise had to do with what 13-24 year olds said does not make them happy. What does not make 13-24 year olds happy? They said it was this: sex. Despite all of the pressure in our culture to be sexually active, young people said having sex does not contribute to happiness.
Can’t Get No Satisfaction? Recognizing the Joy Possible for People of Faith (Phil. 4:12)