Age and Innovation
Tony Dokoupil writes that “Over the last century and a half, the average age of a Nobel Prize winner at the moment of his great breakthrough has risen more than five years, from 34 to… Age and Innovation
Tony Dokoupil writes that “Over the last century and a half, the average age of a Nobel Prize winner at the moment of his great breakthrough has risen more than five years, from 34 to… Age and Innovation
Our ministry staff recently wrote their testimonies/faith stories down in 140 characters or less (the limit for Twitter “tweets”). Here’s Jim Harbin’s, director of Memphis Urban Ministry: I had a lot of questions about the… Tweetimonies: Jim Harbin
Recently our staff wrote down our faith stories/conversion stories in 140 characters or less (the Twitter limit) as a spiritual exercise. Here’s mine: I once sought acceptance and purpose in achievements and relationships. But in… Tweetimonies: Chris Altrock
God instructs craftsmen to create clothing for Aaron and his sons (Ex. 28). On his shoulders Aaron is to carry stones are which engraved the names of the sons/tribes of Israel. On his chest Aaron… Who’s On Your Shoulders/Chest?