In “A New Kind of Christianity,” Brian McLaren urges Christians/ congregations to wrestle with 10 questions so that the Christian faith might be more fruitfully expressed in ways that reach a postmodern culture.
#2 – The Authority Question: How Should The Bible Be Understood?
McLaren points out that contemporary views of the Bible have led to three messes. First, there is a scientific mess. We treat Scripture “as a divinely dictated science textbook providing us true information in all areas of life, including when and how the earth was created, what the shape of the earth is, what revolves around what in space, and so on.” Yet this often pits the Bible against science. Second, there is an ethical mess. We treat Scripture as “an ethical rule book.” Yet the Bible does not directly address our most vexing ethical issues like abortion, climate change, genetic engineering, etc. Third, there is a peace mess. Too many Christians use the Bible “as a club or sword to dominate or wound.” McLaren spends significant time exploring how Scripture was used to justify slavery in America, as an example of the peace mess (this section alone almost makes the book worth the price).
Review of “A New Kind of Christianity” (Part 3)