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Revolution: Five Missional Turns Churches Can Make in a Changing Culture to Lead People to Faith

Chris Altrock – Highland Church of Christ – Memphis, TN

Summer Celebration – Lipscomb University – July, 2010



In a recent article for Christianity Today Ed Stetzer surveyed multiple studies of the Christian faith in America and then provided these concluding thoughts:[1] “Mainline denominations are no longer bleeding; they are hemorrhaging. Increasingly, they are simply managing their decline. For evangelicals, the picture is better, but only in comparison to the mainline churches. Southern Baptists, composing the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., have apparently peaked and are trending toward decline. The same is true of most evangelical denominations…. There is little doubt in my mind that the cultural expression of Christianity in America is declining. True, Christianity is losing its “home-field advantage” in North America.” There is little doubt that Christianity in America is facing significant challenges and that fewer Americans are embracing the Christian faith.


Revolution: Five Missional Turns Churches Can Make in a Changing Culture to Lead People to Faith

Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through The Examen


In her “Spiritual Disciplines Handbook,” Adele Calhoun describes more than 60 spiritual disciplines.[i]  Some of these disciplines are familiar to and practiced by many Christians today.  But other disciplines in Calhoun’s list are unfamiliar and new to contemporary Christians (though they’ve long been common in older Christian traditions).  This series takes up 10 of the most uncommon disciplines from Calhoun’s list.  By adding these unusual spiritual disciplines into your life you may breathe freshness and newness into your relationship with God.


We’ve explored the uncommon practices of “unplugging,” “celebration,” and “secrecy.”  Here, we explore The Examen. 


#4 – The Examen


Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through The Examen