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Irreligious: Forsaking Religion and Finding Jesus’ God (Mk. 12:18-27)

Chris Altrock – August 1, 2010


Over the past few days I’ve practiced what I call the “ministry of presence” among the LaVelle family.  When a young person like Liz dies, there few words worth speaking.  The very best we can do is just be present with each other.  And as I’ve tried to be present I’ve overheard numerous people saying the same thing over and over.  As they’ve thought of the hurt and pain that comes in the midst of the death of a young person like Liz, they’ve said, “I just don’t know how people make it through times like these without God and without the church.”  They’ve been testifying that times of tragedy reveal that there is nothing comparable to following Jesus, there is something indispensible about following Jesus.  You can’t make it through those times without that “thing” that only comes through following Jesus.

 Irreligious: Forsaking Religion and Finding Jesus’ God (Mk. 12:18-27)

Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through Practicing the Presence


In her “Spiritual Disciplines Handbook,” Adele Calhoun describes more than 60 spiritual disciplines.[1]  This Sunday night series takes up 10 of the most uncommon disciplines from Calhoun’s list.  We’ve explored the uncommon practices of “Unplugging,” “Celebration,” “Secrecy,” and “The Examen.”  Tonight, we explore “Practicing the Presence


#5 – Practicing the Presence


Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through Practicing the Presence