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Chris Altrock is an author, spiritual director and preacher, serving as the Senior Minister at the Stamford Church of Christ. He and his wife Kendra are parents to Jordan and Jacob.

Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through Contemplative Prayer


Prayer as Active Asking

Several days ago the small group which my family and I attend discussed the prayer-life of Jesus.  After a lengthy conversation, several of us confessed our desire to spend more time in prayer—like Jesus.  But one group member spoke for more than just herself when she said, “But honestly, I don’t know what I would do if I spent more time in prayer.  I’m not sure what else I would say.  I’d run out of things to pray about.”  She and we wanted to spend more time in prayer.  But we were confused about how we’d actually spend that time.

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Irreligious: Forsaking Religion and Finding Jesus’ Lord (Mk. 12:35-37)

Chris Altrock – August 15, 2010

Robin Meyers grew up in Churches of Christ.[i]  Along his journey, however, he became disenchanted not only with Churches of Christ, but with all theologically conservative groups.  In his book Saving Jesus From the Church Meyers describes this disenchantment as him rejecting Christ but embracing Jesus.  In fact, the subtitle to his book is “How to Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus.”  Meyers began to make a distinction between the “Christ” whom conservative mainline churches have historically emphasized and the “Jesus” whom Meyers had rediscovered recently in the pages of the Bible.  Meyers ultimately became repulsed by people who mistreated others yet said they believed in the orthodox doctrines about Christ (e.g.,. the virgin birth, the miracles of Christ, and his resurrection from the dead).  Meyers came to believe that all of these doctrinal matters about Christ were of little significance.  What mattered most was living out the example left behind by Jesus—treating people the way Jesus would.


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