Fringe: The Fringe Conduct of Persecution God Favors

“Fringe” is a science fiction television series. It is a mixture of “Twilight Zone” and “X-Files.” The series is named after a fictitious division of the FBI called “Fringe Division.” Fringe Division uses methods which are outside the norm in order to investigate unexplained events around the world. Eventually the FBI’s Fringe Division learns the cause of these unexplained events. They discover the existence of an alternate earth. This earth exists in a parallel universe. In some ways the alternate earth is similar to the original earth. In other ways it is quite different. These two earths have recently been interfering with one another, creating havoc on both planets. Fringe Division learns there are leaders on the alternate earth who are striving to destroy the original earth because the original earth threatens the existence of the alternate earth. Much of the series revolves around this power struggle between the two parallel worlds.Fringe: The Fringe Conduct of Persecution God Favors