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Fringe: The Fringe Conduct of Mercy God Favors (Matt. 5:7) Chris Altrock

In 1981 a young boy named Adam Walsh was abducted and murdered.  The search for Adam’s killer eventually led the father John Walsh to become the host of a popular television series called “America’s Most Wanted.”  In one of his books, John Walsh sheds light on some of the criminals featured on his show—their crimes, their attempts to escape justice, their capture and eventual punishment.  The name of the book is “No Mercy.”[i] The title resonates with many people.  When it comes to America’s Most Wanted, we want “no mercy.”  We want them to get what they deserve.  We do not want to give them mercy.Fringe: The Fringe Conduct of Mercy God Favors (Matt. 5:7) Chris Altrock

When God Says No: Stages of Prayer

One of the first words our children learned was “No.”  This was especially true of our son Jacob.  He suffered near paralyzing colic (paralyzing for his sleep-deprived parents, not for him) for several months.  Perhaps that trauma contributed to his surprisingly high level of stubbornness.  By the time Jacob became mobile, hardly a half-hour passed without Kendra or me stating firmly to Jacob, “No.”  No pulling your sister’s hair.  No sticking forks in the outlet.  No breaking your toys.  No, No, No.  It is no surprise that one of his first words was “No.”  He heard it more often than he’d like.When God Says No: Stages of Prayer

Fringe: The Fringe Conduct of Peacemaking God Favors

I ate lunch earlier this month with a man who had recently moved to Memphis.  His sixteen year old son was having a hard time transitioning to his new school and neighborhood.  His best friends were still back in his Florida hometown and he hadn’t yet made new friends in Memphis.  The son felt like an outsider.  “I guess the move has hit him the hardest of anyone in our family,” the father said.

It’s hard to be an outsider isn’t it?  We want to be included.  We want to be accepted.Fringe: The Fringe Conduct of Peacemaking God Favors