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Simplifying Your Spirituality

Jesus says following him comes down to just two simple things: loving God and loving others.

But our Christianity is often oriented around many other things.  Our faith is often complex and confused.

Is loving God and loving neighbor the focus of your faith?

Scott McKnight, author of “The Jesus Creed” offers this test to find out:

1. I sense myself being most spiritual when: (1) I am reading the Bible, (2) I am doing something religious for others, (3) I am attending church, (4) I am communing with God, (5) I am exercising love toward others and God.

 Simplifying Your Spirituality

Top 10 Cultural Trends

Andy Crouch provides a thoughtful list of the top ten cultural trends from the past decade: Connection Place Cities End of the Majority Polarity The Self Shot Pornography Informality Liquidity Complexity Did he miss something? … Top 10 Cultural Trends

A Christian Reads the Quran A friend of mine, Jason Knight, has started a new blog.  He’s reading through the Muslim Quran and blogging regularly about the experience.  Jason is one of the most centered, thoughtful, intelligent and insightful… A Christian Reads the Quran

Christmas Bonus: More Than Presents and Packages

I can’t point to any studies, but I have some certainty that the most-asked question today around the United States is this: “What did you get for Christmas?”  Many of us spent some time opening a present or two yesterday.  And today, the day after Christmas, we’re asking people all around us: “What did you get for Christmas?”  In fact, let’s take some time to ask each other that question.  Lean over to the person near you and ask what he/she got for Christmas…

Christmas Bonus: More Than Presents and Packages