Listen Up: Hearing God Through Others

In his Sermon on the Mount Jesus provides an inspiring vision for our walk with God (piety), our relationships with others (people), and our approach toward money and stuff (possessions).
But how does that vision become a reality? How do we cooperate with Jesus in moving toward that type of life?
Paul provides the basis for a model of such life-change. There was a time when Paul was selfish, arrogant, violent, intolerant, judgmental, and impatient. But through partnership with God, Paul was transformed into a man who was generous, humble, gentle, welcoming, accepting, and patient. Paul gives a hint at how this transformation happened in Phil. 3:
In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus focuses on three broad areas of life: people, piety, and possessions. Jesus casts an inspiring vision for what life could be like when it comes to our relationships… People, Piety, Possessions: Spiritual Formation For the Sake of the World Here is how my day begins–with thoughts of people who promise to make this day a bad day. So I cry to you, Lord. I call to you. Save me from these people! But then I open… Prayer from Psalm 119:145-152: A Word of Hope