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Masquerade: Moving from Some to All

I’ve performed a couple of dozen wedding ceremonies.  Almost without exception, what causes some of the greatest anxiety for the couple is the wedding vow.  Couples take great care to choose the right vows or write the perfect vows.  And they are often concerned that they’ll mess the vows up.  There are few times in our lives when we put as much thought into a few words as we do at a wedding.Masquerade: Moving from Some to All

The American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We Believe in One Lord” v. “There are Many Lords” Chris Altrock – Sunday Night Series – March 20, 2011

Bounded Sets and Centered Sets

A friend and I were recently talking about the Christian faith.  Her daughter, who lives in another city, had decided to start looking around for another church.  The daughter was dissatisfied with the church she was attending.  My friend, her mother, was worried that her daughter wasn’t going to seriously investigate what other churches taught and would end up making a decision about a new church home on factors that were somewhat superficial.  The discussion raised the whole issue of what makes a church really a church, and what makes a Christian really a Christian?  Are there beliefs and practices that are essential to what it means to be a Christian and a congregation of Christians?  In addition, that same friend had recently heard a Christian speaker talking about how good it was to see so many of the walls coming down that once divided different Christian groups from one another.  This led us into a discussion about the Christian faith in general.  What are the defining beliefs of Christianity?  What makes a Christian group truly a Christian group?The American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We Believe in One Lord” v. “There are Many Lords” Chris Altrock – Sunday Night Series – March 20, 2011

The American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We Believe in One God” v. “God is My On-Call Counselor “ Chris Altrock – Sunday Night Series – March 6, 2011

Our Belief in God

Author and preacher A. W. Tozer wrote in the early 20th century: “What comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us…Were we able to extract from any man a complete answer to the question, ‘What comes into your mind when you think about God?’ we might predict with certainty the spiritual future of that man.”[1] Our spiritual future can be predicted by what we believe about God.  What we think about God sets the course for everything down our spiritual road.The American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We Believe in One God” v. “God is My On-Call Counselor “ Chris Altrock – Sunday Night Series – March 6, 2011