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The American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We believe Jesus cares for the hereafter” V. “We believe Jesus also cares for the here and now”

Bumper Sticker Faith

Jon Acuff is a Christian author and the founder of a popular blog called “Stuff Christians Like.”[i] In one article he writes about Christian bumper stickers.  Acuff provides this “Christian Bumper Sticker Scorecard”:

1. You have an ichthus fish sticker. = +1 point

2. You have an ichthus fish sticker with the word ichthus written inside it. =+2 points

3. You have an ichthus fish sticker with the word ichthus written inside it, eating a Darwin fish. = +3 points

4. You have an ichthus fish sticker with the word ichthus written inside it, applying a sleeper hold to the Darwin fish or stabbing it with a sharpened prison style toothbrush. = +4 pointThe American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We believe Jesus cares for the hereafter” V. “We believe Jesus also cares for the here and now”

Masquerade: Mother Hen

I’m going to read some words out loud.  As I read these words, picture in your mind the person who first spoke them.  Try to imagine his face.  Picture the forehead, the eyebrows, the eyes, the lips, the teeth, and the skin color.  Is he happy?  Is he sad?  Is he mad?  Here are his words:Masquerade: Mother Hen