Review of Hybels’ “Whisper”
For several summers I was a salesperson for a Memphis Ace Hardware store. In some ways, the job was easy. We had a slow trickle of customers and at least two salespersons to handle their… Review of Hybels’ “Whisper”
For several summers I was a salesperson for a Memphis Ace Hardware store. In some ways, the job was easy. We had a slow trickle of customers and at least two salespersons to handle their… Review of Hybels’ “Whisper”
Lord, you are the source of all good things in my life: The paths I’ve travelled by my feet. The places I’ve rested my head. The work given to my hands. The beauty that’s stunned… Prayer from Psalm 16: The Source
Lord, I’ve learned that you love to spend time with lovers. You enjoy the company of those who treat people right–those who tell the truth, refuse to gossip, act neighborly, keep their word, serve the poor, and stand up… Prayer from Psalm 15: Good Company
Their hearts beat this falsehood, “There is no God.” Their lips proclaim this untruth, “There is no God.” Their blogs, billboards, and bookstores overflow with the message of non-deity, stating “There is no God.” Yet I see you. And… Prayer from Psalm 14: You DO Exist