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Almost Christian: Living with the Wrong Community Chris Altrock – June 19, 2011

This summer people in the Midwest and Southeast have experienced devastating storms and overwhelming floods.  A few days ago I met a man whose family’s trailer was flooded by the Mississippi.  Virtually everything they owned was in that trailer and is now gone.  Many of us have seen horrific pictures and video on television, computers, and smartphones of the tornadoes that swept through places like Missouri and Alabama.  People have perished.  Some who survived have nothing.  The car they saved up for and one day drove off the lot so proud of was tossed like a toy blocks away.  The clothes they shopped for hours to find one weekend were scattered like leaves.  The homes they looked for months to purchase are now just bare cement slabs.Almost Christian: Living with the Wrong Community Chris Altrock – June 19, 2011

Almost Christian: Living with the Wrong Confidence Chris Altrock – June 26, 2011

Psychologist Carl Pickhardt writes about fear and the future.[i] He says that before we turn 13 years old, the future is hardly even on our radar screen.  We rarely even think about the future.  From ages 13 to 15, however, we do start thinking about the future.  It suddenly shows up on our radar screen.  But it’s a small blip.  The present is still much more important to us than the future.  From ages 15-18 we really begin to think about the future.  And what we think about the future is that it will be fun.  We think about all the neat things we’ll get to do in the future: drive, graduate from high school, date, move away from home, etc.  But beginning at age 18, the future starts to concern us.  The weight and responsibility of the future looms ahead and we start getting anxious.Almost Christian: Living with the Wrong Confidence Chris Altrock – June 26, 2011

Formation Prayer

Do you sometimes feel like your prayer-life is in a rut?  What causes this experience?  For many of us, the rut comes when we do the same thing over and over.  Many of us tend to… Formation Prayer