Prayer from Psalm 39: Ashamed
I am ashamed, Lord. I have sinned, and you know it. I reel from your rebuke. I despair because of your discipline. But my hope is still in you, Lord. Save me from my sin.… Prayer from Psalm 39: Ashamed
I am ashamed, Lord. I have sinned, and you know it. I reel from your rebuke. I despair because of your discipline. But my hope is still in you, Lord. Save me from my sin.… Prayer from Psalm 39: Ashamed
Life with Fitness Women are sometimes mocked due to their concern each April and May for getting into “swim-suit” shape for the summer. But as a forty-something man, I can tell you that many of… From a Life with Prayer to a Life of Prayer
Lord, do not sentence me. Do not reject me. Do not walk away. You could. You should. Because I have sinned. But I regret my sin. Oh, how I regret it! My back bends under… Prayer from Psalm 38: Save Me
Lord, I get so anxious. I get so frustrated. There is no end to the criminals and their crime, the tyrants and their tyranny. But today, in your presence, I see that there is an end. They have… Prayer from Psalm 37: The End