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Storytelling: How the Story of the Tomb Shapes the Way We Share Jesus (Col. 1:15-20) Chris Altrock – August 7, 2011

Summer and reading go together.  For some of us, it’s an unwanted combination.  A high school freshman whose name I will not reveal responded in this way when her school’s required summer reading list arrived: “Summer reading?  That’s an oxymoron.  Who wants to read in the summer?!”  But for many others, summer and reading are welcome pairing.  We have a little more free time in the summer and we are finally able to get to the novel, the biography, or that thriller that we’ve wanted to read.  We read on the beach while tanning, in the car or plane while traveling, or on a deck while relaxing.  How many of you enjoyed reading a good story this summer?Storytelling: How the Story of the Tomb Shapes the Way We Share Jesus (Col. 1:15-20) Chris Altrock – August 7, 2011

Famous Nameless: Offering Bread Like a Little Boy (John 6:1-15)

The Wallow Fire, named for the Bear Wallow Wilderness area where it started, burned over half-a-million acres in Arizona and New Mexico this summerIt was the largest fire in Arizona’s history.  The communities of Eager, Springerville, Nutrioso, Alpine, Luna and Blue River were threatened and evacuated.  Over 3,500 people fought this massive fire.  They used 15 helicopters, 5 airtankers, 196 fire engines, 72 water tenders, and 21 dozers.  The fire threatened almost 3,000 homes and 500 commercial buildings.[1]Famous Nameless: Offering Bread Like a Little Boy (John 6:1-15)