Prayer from Psalm 52: Rooted
A life without you God is like a tree without roots. Trusting in possessions and power is like trusting in a dry and dusty creek. But a life with you God is like a tree… Prayer from Psalm 52: Rooted
A life without you God is like a tree without roots. Trusting in possessions and power is like trusting in a dry and dusty creek. But a life with you God is like a tree… Prayer from Psalm 52: Rooted
Today is the fourth Sunday in a series on sharing Jesus with others. As we begin this morning, I’d like you to write on the card we’ve provided the name of a person you know who is not yet a follower of Jesus. At some point during this message, I want you to write the name of one person who is not yet a follower of Jesus.Storytelling: How the Story of the Trumpet Shapes the Way We Share Jesus (1 Pet. 2:11-12) Chris Altrock – August 28, 2011
Simplifying Our Lives In 2009 results were released from a significant study on simplicity.[i] Father and son Thom and Art Rainer asked more than one thousand Americans about their pace, their schedules, and their… Simple Prayer
[Joe and Betty, whom he married after Rosabelle’s death] Immediately after World War II a new wave of missionaries entered Japan. Among this flood of eager and enthusiastic ministers were Joe Cannon and his wife… The Most Unloved