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Loaded: Getting Rich by Giving Away Your Wealth (1 Tim. 6:11-21) Chris Altrock – December 4, 2011

Occupy Wall Street is a series of demonstrations in New York City and elsewhere.[1] The participants are protesting social and economic inequalities which they believe are the result of corporate greed.  Their slogan is “We are the 99%.”   It refers to the claim that the top 1% in America controls about 40% of the wealth.  The rest of the wealth is distributed among the 99%.  Protestors claim that while unemployment is at one of its highest levels since the Depression, corporate profits are also at one of their highest levels.  Protestors believe that Corporate America, the 1%, is mishandling money and thus harming the 99%–the rest of America.Loaded: Getting Rich by Giving Away Your Wealth (1 Tim. 6:11-21) Chris Altrock – December 4, 2011