Lay of the Land (Pt 9)
As I communicated recently with a friend about George Floyd’s murder and the protests that it sparked, my friend pushed back with these words: “You need to dial down the woke!” I’ve been sitting with… Lay of the Land (Pt 9)
As I communicated recently with a friend about George Floyd’s murder and the protests that it sparked, my friend pushed back with these words: “You need to dial down the woke!” I’ve been sitting with… Lay of the Land (Pt 9)
Last weekend, in the midst of the global pandemic and national protests, Hal and Jenny Runkel and Kendra and I blessed our daughters, Jordan and Hannah, as they moved into a new apartment near downtown… Blessing a New Home
The best of me, the most hopeful part of me, wants to believe that after six days of unrest in more than one hundred and forty cities in the United States sparked by the murder… The Lay of the Land (Pt 7)
It wasn’t that long ago when I realized that one thing was missing on my spiritual map. If my journey with Jesus had a goal or a set of goals as the endpoint on a… The Lay of the Land (Pt 7)