Hear God in 2012
Our Hearing Problem Our fourth-grader recently inquired, “Why did you and Mom discipline me so much when I was younger?” Don’t worry. We weren’t abusive parents. And Jacob wasn’t a trouble child. It’s just that,… Hear God in 2012
Our Hearing Problem Our fourth-grader recently inquired, “Why did you and Mom discipline me so much when I was younger?” Don’t worry. We weren’t abusive parents. And Jacob wasn’t a trouble child. It’s just that,… Hear God in 2012
To provide transportation for our team in Bacolod, Nathan and Karen Luther rented a large van from a local agency. Rentals, I’m told, come standard with the well-dressed guy above: Santo Nino. He sits on… Dressing Down Santo Nino: Brainstorms from Bacolod #7
The Luthers (pictured here in their home with our team from Memphis) are a living experiment in the power of contrast communities. When asked to describe the spiritual state of those living in Bacolod, Nathan… The Converting Power of a Contrast Community: Brainstorms from Bacolod #6
Traffic in Bacolod, Philippines is an eye-closing experience. Each time we enter an intersection, I feel like closing my eyes. The traffic lights and stop signs are “suggestions” and you basically have to force yourself… Why the World’s Worst Traffic Could Produce the World’s Best Person: Brainstorms from Bacolod #5