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Slice: Making Jesus The Bread of Your Life (Jn. 6:35; 6:48) Chris Altrock, February 26, Sunday Morning Message

If you go out to eat at an average restaurant, you’ll find two kinds of dishes.  There are main dishes.  And there side dishes.  I suppose there are times when we choose a restaurant solely because it has our favorite side dish.  For example, you might choose Olive Garden just because you love the bread sticks and the salad.  But most of the time we choose a restaurant because of the main dish.  We are there to eat the entrée.  The side dishes are nice.  But what we hunger for is the main dish.  For many of us, a satisfying meal consists not just of a side dish but of a main dish. We can think about our lives in a similar way.  There are side dishes.  And there are main dishes.  There are things that are not terribly important.  And there are things that are extremely important.  We all have our side dishes and our main dishes in life.  This is even true when it comes to what we would probably call our spiritual life.  Spiritually, some things are more important to us than others.  This morning and in this new series we’re exploring what it might be like to let Jesus be not just a side dish, but the main dish of our lives.  We are exploring what life might be like if didn’t just take a slice of Jesus, but we took all of Jesus.Slice: Making Jesus The Bread of Your Life (Jn. 6:35; 6:48) Chris Altrock, February 26, Sunday Morning Message

What Silence Is and Is Not

The discipline of silence or contemplative prayer is one step toward evicting the noise and embracing its opposite.  But what is contemplative prayer?  I’ve found that many Christians have fears or flawed understandings about it. … What Silence Is and Is Not