Learning to Love God–Again (Pt 1)
The people of God neglected the love of God and became a threat to the rest of the creation of God. This was the sad truth Jesus illuminates in one of his most prophetic sermons.… Learning to Love God–Again (Pt 1)
The people of God neglected the love of God and became a threat to the rest of the creation of God. This was the sad truth Jesus illuminates in one of his most prophetic sermons.… Learning to Love God–Again (Pt 1)
For he … destroyed … the dividing wall of hostility (Eph. 2:14 NIV) …making known to us the mystery of his will … to unite all things in him (Eph. 1:9-10 ESV) Shaded from the… Destroying Walls of Hostility
If the destination we’re moving toward as churches and Christians includes a greater inclusion of those who are regularly marginalized, maligned or murdered, one of the things we must purge ourselves of is fear. Purgation… Lay of the Land (Pt 10)
“Be ready, be ready, be ready for change” We chanted those words over and over during the two hour protest march through downtown Memphis, drawing attention to the murder of George Floyd and many others.… The Lay of the Land (Pt 9)