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Static Christianity

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series journey of love

“One of the great problems dating back to the Early Church was that of the static Christian.” (A. W. Tozer The Crucified Life)

We were made to move. The Christian life is a journey. Often, however, we are static, staying put where we are rather than stepping forward to where we are meant to be.

Part of the reason for this may be that we simply don’t know, or have forgotten, where we’re meant to be headed. Just what is our destination? What is the goal of the Christian life and what kind of journey is it ?

Jesus summarized the goal as love (Matt. 22). Paul wrote that love is the greatest destination for which we are destined (1 Cor. 13).

And it was Bernard of Clairvaux who mapped out the journey to love. In The Four Loves he envisioned this journey as one with four stages.

How are you doing in this journey? Where are you headed?

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