Funny things always happen at Highland’s VBS. Ours consists of three components: a sitcom/ devo with Highland puppets, a drama featuring that year’s Bible story (this year it’s the Exodus), and arts/crafts. So far this week our newest staff member Eric Gentry was serenaded by our puppets (above). Our Children’s Ministry Coordinator was spoofed by the devil puppet. Moses forgot a line. Two of our elders bowed in mock reverence as Pharaoh (played by another elder) entered the room. And one of the royal Egyptian magicians, when nearly accosted by the watching children, cried out “Don’t touch me! I’m magic!”
But I know from experience that VBS doesn’t just bring fun. It brings faith. My first introduction to the Christian faith came when our local postmaster invited my brother and me to her congregation’s VBS. We piled into her station wagon, made the thirty minute drive into town to the thirty-member church, drank Kool-Aid, ate cookies, sang songs I’d never sung before, heard stories I’d never heard before, and opened a Bible for the first time in my life. It was wonderfully strange yet remarkably enticing. Something in my heart opened on those nights which, I believe, opened the way for my coming to faith in Christ several years later. For a boy raised with no religious upbringing, that VBS was a critical step toward faith.
How about you? What role did VBS play in your journey
Anyone else have the lemon jumble cookies at
Your VBS? They were the best! Afraid to try them
Now because it might change my opinion and I really
Like that memory!
I also remember singing “Tip toe, Tip Toe, little
feet” every time we came into the final assembly!
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