- Ps. 119 prayer for those teaching/ preaching today: May people not only hear the Word but observe it with all their heart (vs. 34). #
- A post you may have missed: The Power of the Family Meal http://is.gd/cvbwf #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 50 http://is.gd/ctR2L #
- A post you may have missed: Surprised by Hope: #5 http://is.gd/csrHX #
- In the last 4 weeks at Highland, 5 families and 2 individuals have placed membership and 6 individuals have been baptized. Grateful! #
- Morning Prayer: Preserve me with your mighty power that I may not fall into sin (based on explorefaith.org). #
- A post you may have missed: Being Missional: 2007-2009 Books on Missional Ministry http://is.gd/cqJB5 #
- Highland members just exceeded Sunday’s goal of $133,000 for World and Urban Missions! #
- Happy anniversary to Kendra and blessings on her for putting up with me for 21 years! #
- RT @willmancini: God’s ability 2 clean things up is infinitely largr than R ability 2 mess things up. RT @PastorTullian #
- A post you may have missed: Our Weight is Affecting Our Witness http://is.gd/cpji3 #
- Evening prayer: Mercifully accept my prayer and strengthen me to do your will (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Morning Prayer: May I trust in you and only in you. http://trunc.it/89kp9 #
- A post you may have missed: Surprised by Hope: #3 http://is.gd/cnVLN #
- RT @lmjread: Denver 2 Ron Hall: Ron, do all white people have bible studies?” Lot’s do, Denver. “Well, does any of ’em have “bible doings?” #
- Why is Jesus’ message about forgiveness different from religion’s message about forgiveness? http://ow.ly/1P05n #
- The benefits of big churches: http://blog.beliefnet.com/jesuscreed/2010/05/in-defense-of-megachurches.html #
- Why was religion’s first fight with Jesus over forgiveness? http://ow.ly/1P03w #
- What strikes you about the story of the paralytic lowered through the roof (Mk. 2:1-12)? I’m studying this text for a sermon. #
- A post you may have missed: Easter Sunday’s Passion: Following a Man on a Mission (Lk. 24:13-49) http://is.gd/cms4J #
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