- My 13 mile scooter ride on opening day at Highland: http://highlandcc.org/leveevideos/ChrisScooter.mov #
- Great Sunday at Highland–Jim Harbin preached powerfully, Laura Baker was baptized, and $125,749 was given toward missions. #
- Jim Harbin from Memphis Urban Ministry preaches today at Highland as we collect $133,000 for world/ urban missions. #
- Ps. 119 Prayer for those preaching/ teaching today: Through you may His Word bring life to all who hear it (25). #
- A post you may have missed: Evaluating Evaluations http://is.gd/cl9ES #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 103: Sunrise, Sunset, Sin http://is.gd/cjLK5 #
- RT @willmancini: Church leaders: If you don’t make your vision concrete, your concrete will make your vision. #
- A post you may have missed: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-17 http://is.gd/cidqV #
- The most dangerous prayer ever: http://ow.ly/1NxNB #
- What if every church prayed this prayer? http://trunc.it/83rzy #
- Do your prayers reach the mountain top? http://ow.ly/1NxMZ #
- A post you may have missed: The Four Critical Words for 21st Century Leaders http://is.gd/cgMX8 #
- RT @lensweet: “If the gospel is ‘good news to the poor,’ has the church become bad news?” South African bishop Peter Storey #
- Join God’s justice: http://ow.ly/1Mu11 #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 69 http://is.gd/cfiuD #
- Is email ungodly? http://ow.ly/1MtYs #
- RT @willmancini: 5 Free iPhone Bible Apps You Probably Haven’t Seen | @ChurchDrop http://bit.ly/cXSzto /via @human3rror #
- New link: The Gospel According to John the Baptist (http://trunc.it/847iy) #
- Do you need to unplug? http://ow.ly/1MtW0 #
- The Gospel according to John the Baptist: economics vs. emotions (http://trunc.it/81k24 #
- Answer someone’s plea for mercy: http://ow.ly/1MtZV #
- A post you may have missed: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-03 http://is.gd/cdPc9 #
- Morning Prayer: Let me witness today the wonder of your world and your word: http://ow.ly/1LWoQ #
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