- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 133: Thank God for Friends http://is.gd/7qTE9 #
- RT @timspivey: The church can't be the light of the world if it's scared of the dark. #
- Highland family and guests: 9 AM combined service at Harding Academy, no Sunday School, much sledding! #
- Psalm 119 Prayer for those preaching/teaching today: May the Word you share lead lips to pour forth praise (vs. 171). #
- A post you may have missed: New York Report 2 http://is.gd/5CBkf #
- Author Tim Woodroof delivered wonderful teaching on the Spirit to our staff over the last 2 days. Check out his book: http://trunc.it/54fex #
- Morning Prayer: In all I do, direct me to the fulfilling of your purposes (based on explorefaith.org). #
- A post you may have missed: Prayer from Psalm 106: Hallelujah for History (2) http://is.gd/7jkgm #
- Listening right now to Tim Woodroof teach our staff as the snow falls and a fire crackles in the fireplace. What a blessing. #
- Headed to Pinecrest Retreat Center for brief retreat with Highland staff and Tim Woodroof. #
- Postmoderns are more open than the Moderns before them to the possibility of the transcendent (pg. 19) http://trunc.it/539tp #
- Midday Prayer: Direct me, O Lord, on all my doings (based on explorefaith.org). #
- A post you may have missed: The Blue Parakeet – #4 http://is.gd/7eCSg #
- How do we pray when God seems absent? http://bit.ly/dAsQpx #
- Morning Prayer: Normally, God, I speak. You listen. Today God, I will listen. Please speak. http://trunc.it/53jmm #
- Evening Prayer: Lord, watch over our welfare on this perilous journey(based on explorefaith.org). #
- 2 hot news items on AP: Apple iPad, followed by Elizabeth Edwards leaving John = the hi of human mind & the lo of human heart. #
- RT @willmancini: Are we graduating our kids from high school AND church at the same time? Stats say yes. #
- A post you may have missed: The Four Critical Words for 21st Century Leaders http://is.gd/7aeML #
- Morning Prayer: O God, we are your vine. Make us once more green, strong, and fruitful (http://trunc.it/50zla #
- Evening prayer: Blessed be the God who has not rejected my prayer, nor withheld his love from me. (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Things that are, will be, and should be changing in American Christianity:http://www.outofur.com/archives/2010/01/whats_changing.html #
- Movies are for the masses what theology is for the elite: http://trunc.it/51lln #
- Midday Prayer: May God have mercy on me, forgive me my sins and bring me to life everlasting (based on explorefaith.org). #
- Morning Prayr: Lord, the land lies devastated, the bodies lie unburied, let ur compassion come speedily (Haitian Prayr http://trunc.it/4zpdu #
- Do those you serve struggle with HOT or COLD doubt? http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2010/01/hot-doubt-and-cold-doubt.html #
- Evening Prayer: Mercifully hear our supplications and grant us your peace (based on explorefaith.org). #
- The more we look AT God through the Sermon on the Mount, the more we'll look LIKE God: http://trunc.it/52izb #
- Midday Prayer: Give me this day such blessing that the week may be spent in your favor (based on explorefaith.org). #
- A post you may have missed: Is Prayer War? http://is.gd/70vtu #
- Morning Prayer: Teach us, God, to teach our children HisStory (http://trunc.it/4vn76 ) #
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