All are penniless in death.
The CEO cannot take her golden parachute to the grave.
The dictator cannot take his blood-money to the casket.
The celebrity cannot bring her fame to the cemetery.
All people are penniless in death.
Therefore, God, I will not envy my co-worker’s estate.
I will not covet my neighbor’s career.
I will not long for my boss’ lake-house.
I will instead satisfy myself with you.
You will be my wealth.
You will be my income.
You are all I need to be truly rich in this life and the next.
Thank you!
I grew up without a lot of fancy things. In my younger days,
we had no VCR’s, DVD’s, or color tv’. No central heat/air.
I’ve learned to appreciate what I have. I don’t worry about
all the physical things I lost when I moved to a shelter.
It’s just STUFF! and I’m closer to the LORD now than I
ever hoped to be.
Thanks for sharing your story. It’s inspiring!
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