Michael Hyatt offers these 7 questions to ask about last year as you prepare for the New Year:
- One of my friends who lost a son, said simply, “Tragedy.”
- Another, who got engaged and married said, “Romance.”
- Still another, who experienced one misfortunate after another, said “Comedy—in fact, slapstick!”
- Deeply moving times with friends and family
- Making difficult decisions in the face of the economic crisis
- Learning to get along with less and enjoying it more
- Running the half marathon in April, even though I almost didn’t at the last minute
- Cutting our company’s expenses to maintain the health of the business
- Having eight of the top ten books on the November Christian bestsellers list
- Getting my oldest daughter married and seeing her relationship with her new husband flourish
- Working two jobs as a single mom to provide for my family
- Not giving up on my marriage when it would have been easier to quit
- Making time to workout, even though I wanted to sleep in.
- Laying off so many of our employees, including some very dear friends
- Failing to articulate the vision and be a better source of encouragement to my team
- Not really unplugging from my vacation in October like I had planned
- Losing focus on my exercise regimen and having to keep re-starting it
- More time spent on strategic planning, particularly vision and strategy
- More time reading offline (i.e., books)
- Time to really unplug and not think about work
- More time with my parents
- There comes a point in every experience where I am too far in to quit but almost certain I can’t finish. If I keep moving forward I will eventually get to the other side.
- Being present with the people I love is the most important gift I can give them.
- Don’t over-think the outcome; just do the next right thing.