Inspired by the works of Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach, I have sought to slowly increase the number of times throughout the day when I reconnect with God and bring God to my mind.
I have used various “prompts” or “reminders”: thinking about God each time I take a drink of water; setting an alarm to remind me to think of God at various moments during the day; etc. Most recently, I’ve been carrying around 16 Lego pieces–one piece for each hour from 7 AM through 10 PM. I’d start the day with all 16 in my right pocket. With the passing of each hour, I would try to reconnect with God. When successful, I would move 1 Lego piece from my right pocket to my left pocket. After 10 PM, I would count the Lego pieces in my left pocket. I’ve kept a journal, recording these numbers.
It has been agonizingly slow. I end most days with far less pieces in my left pocket than I’d like. But about two weeks ago, for the first time in my life, I connected with God during every hour from 7 AM through 10 PM. I had 16 Lego pieces in my left pocket at day’s end. It was a wondrous experience and one I pray can be oft-repeated.
How do you connect with God throughout the day?
This blesses me, Chris. Thanks for sharing.
Josh, thanks for sharing. I know this has also been an important part of your Walk as well.
The article is ver good. Write please more
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