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Chris Altrock

The Fulcrum of Finances (Esther 3-4) Chris Altrock – June 12, 2016

20160522- WHen God Hides Sermon Series

Turning Points in the Air

The BBC once ran an occasional series called “Turning Points.” This series highlighted key moments when the storyline of history turned in a significant way. Here’s their infographic on turning points in aviation. I’ll highlight a few of the times in history when manned flight pivoted in a powerful way:[1]

  • 1903 The first heavier than air aircraft
  • 1919 The world’s first non-stop flight across the Atlantic
  • 1939 First flight by a jet aircraft
  • 1947 First supersonic flight
  • 1958 First commercially successful jet airliner
  • 1968 First supersonic airliner
  • 1988 B-2 Stealth bomber enters service
  • 1995 World’s first hunter killer unmanned aircraft

Every story in history has a turning point, a fulcrum, on which important things pivot.Read More »The Fulcrum of Finances (Esther 3-4) Chris Altrock – June 12, 2016

When God Hides: Engaged (Esther 3-4) Chris Altrock – June 5, 2016

20160522- WHen God Hides Sermon Series

Sometimes Hard Things Happen

A few years ago a series of books hit the best-seller list. The series was called The Hunger Games. They told the story of a post-apocalyptic earth when children from districts were chosen each year to fight to the death in “the hunger games.” These novels, along with millions of others, were available in electronic forms. And in 2014, the most highlighted passage in all electronic books came from The Hunger Games. Here’s the line that more readers underlined that year than any other line in any other electronic book: Read More »When God Hides: Engaged (Esther 3-4) Chris Altrock – June 5, 2016

Living in a World Without God (Esther 1-2) Chris Altrock – May 22, 2016

20160522- WHen God Hides Sermon Series

That Kind of Relationship

Several  years ago a movie focused on professional athletes and their agents. The movie was called Jerry Maguire.[1] Most athletes and agents portrayed in the movie had relationships we would characterize as “professional.” They were cool and distant. But at the end of the movie Jerry Maguire and his one client, a professional football player, had endured so much in a shared journey that their relationship was something we might call “unprofessional.” They were more like family. In a closing scene, in front of a mob of reporters, they hugged tightly.

Another athlete, standing nearby with his agent, saw this intimacy. He turned to his agent and asked, “Why don’t we have that kind of relationship?Read More »Living in a World Without God (Esther 1-2) Chris Altrock – May 22, 2016

Go: Growing From One to the World (Jn 6:51) Chris Altrock, John Chen, David Ralston, Lawana Maxwell – May 8, 2016

20160508- Go: Growing From One To The World

The World

Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist. His research is foundational for the way we understand how humans grow up. I majored in psychology in college and studied Piaget. He believed that we mature through four stages. I want to quickly describe those four stages. I want to just focus on one aspect of those stages – the way the children slowly move from just being concerned about themselves to also being concerned about others in the world around them.Read More »Go: Growing From One to the World (Jn 6:51) Chris Altrock, John Chen, David Ralston, Lawana Maxwell – May 8, 2016